Tag/Concept: Young Guys

Broader Concepts
Phrases w/ Same Meaning
  • young guy (singular)

MalePrime: Young, handsome men look gorgeous. Fully clothed or not. ;)

MalePrime: Young, smooth sexy bodies!

MalePrime: Cuteness personified

MalePrime: Young sexy bodies

MalePrime: Cute young boys!

MalePrime: To touch those perfect abs…

MalePrime: Charming smile, hot body!

MalePrime: Gorgeous

MalePrime: So damn cute!

MalePrime: Cute!

MalePrime: Adorable!

MalePrime: Can you resist that smile?

MalePrime: Cute.

MalePrime: So adorable!

MalePrime: So sexy!

MalePrime: Alexandre Godart… so cute!

MalePrime: Damn cute

MalePrime: Sexy blond hottie