Visitors From Your State Prohibited

If you were expecting to see a different page, but got redirected here, then chances are you're browsing the web from a conservative state. Unfortunately, we completely block certain states because of anti-porn laws they have passed that threaten the viability of our sites. If you live near the border of one or more of these states it may affect you as well if your ISP uses the same IP in multiple states.

Based on your IP this is where we believe you're located…

United States -> Ohio (state/province) -> Columbus, OH (metro area) -> Columbus (city/town) -> Postal code: 43215

Click here to see your likely location on a map.

Oh, and we can tell your internet service provider is

(We came up with these details using MaxMind GeoIP2 for this IP.)

State-specific Details

For more details and to learn what you can do to change the situation, check out these links...

Please Vote!!

Your vote matters more now than ever. If you're not registered to vote, please do so. And then show up and do your part.

We wish we didn't have to make this a partisan issue, but it's worth noting that while Democratic legislators are voting for anti-porn laws, these laws are almost always the brain child of Republicans. The Democratic Party simply has a better track record of preserving individual liberty when it comes to LGBTQ issues, women's issues, and sexual freedoms.

What you can view…

In the meantime, feel free to enjoy this site. All the really fun stuff has been removed from this site so you shouldn't be able to hurt yourself looking at it (lol). And since you have nothing fun to do, maybe go to the gym. we're also working on a family-friendly fitness site, JATO Fitness, but it's still under development. So stay tuned…

If you're over the age of 18 and still determined to access adult content…

We realize life probably sucks being in red states and you just want to enjoy yourself no matter what your state government says. If you're determined to visit adult sites you're probably thinking of using an anonymous proxy (aka VPN). Please be careful about using these types of services – they can do way more harm than viewing porn ever could. The vast majority of free anonymous proxies are shady and will put you at risk (read that article!). Instead, use a reputable paid VPN service (they're not all reputable) or something like Tor.